Struggling with PPP

Site Zoning Vignette and Multiple Choice

Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby dbayrami » Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:25 am

LuCi33 wrote:I am so happy my friend pointed me to this post. I just found out this morning that I have failed PPP for the 3rd time and won't be able to retake until May (right before the deadline)! I also have passed SPD and CDS but have really struggled with PPP. I'm glad to have the support of this thread and knowing I'm not alone on this journey. I really want to pass this in May so I can transition over to 5.0. I don't want to have to lose all the tests that I've passed because of this one.

Like many others, I've been scoring Level 1 and Level 2 on Programming & Analysis and Environmental, Social, & Economic Issues. This last time I had studied all the Archiflash cards for all of the 4.0 tests (since I've noticed questions from BS, SPD, and CDS), Kaplan, Ballast, read Architect's Handbook, Jenny's notes, Caroline's Notes, and the available podcasts from Black Spectacles. Has anyone signed up for a membership with Black Spectacles to use the information that they provide? As a note, I haven't had issues with the vignettes.

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated it. I'm feeling pretty dejected like many of you. Thank you!!

my membership with black specs is very on and off. I basically only use them for the practice exams now, which is how I justify the cost. There's an amber book course for ppp/cds available now. I haven't taken it yet and I've heard its more cds than ppp. I'm still hoping it helps though.. those are the two I have left, scheduled back to back at the beginning of March, so I know the pressure of having to pass.

what I found to be the only real way to pass these ridiculous things is to just study hard. Putting the time in is key. A real pain in the butt, especially with work and life (i know, who has the time! I have two jobs, so getting those study hours in is really difficult).

don't let a fail bring you down, I know it stings. But they don't count, not really. In the end, when you pass, the fails don't matter.
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby DANIIFACE » Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:36 am

After failing PPP twice I decided to purchase the black spectacles video and practice exam for one month and found it extremely helpful! The information might not be anything too special but for me, sick of studying, and not a huge fan of all the reading, the videos were a great change of pace and I definitely attribute the videos as part of why I passed on my third try. good luck!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Wed Jan 24, 2018 7:28 am

LuCi33 wrote:I am so happy my friend pointed me to this post. I just found out this morning that I have failed PPP for the 3rd time and won't be able to retake until May (right before the deadline)! I also have passed SPD and CDS but have really struggled with PPP. I'm glad to have the support of this thread and knowing I'm not alone on this journey. I really want to pass this in May so I can transition over to 5.0. I don't want to have to lose all the tests that I've passed because of this one.

Like many others, I've been scoring Level 1 and Level 2 on Programming & Analysis and Environmental, Social, & Economic Issues. This last time I had studied all the Archiflash cards for all of the 4.0 tests (since I've noticed questions from BS, SPD, and CDS), Kaplan, Ballast, read Architect's Handbook, Jenny's notes, Caroline's Notes, and the available podcasts from Black Spectacles. Has anyone signed up for a membership with Black Spectacles to use the information that they provide? As a note, I haven't had issues with the vignettes.

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated it. I'm feeling pretty dejected like many of you. Thank you!!

I have two more PPP tries before the 5.0 transition. I scheduled my next exam (hopefully my last PPP exam - fingers crossed) for next month. Last night I purchased Black Spectacles and watched the first section of videos. I like the video format. I have used ARE Prep in the past and just re-listened to it in entirety right before I purchased Black Spectacles. The audio from ARE prep at this point has become so repetitive for me (since I listened to it so many times) so I needed to try something new and hear the lectures from a different perspective/a new person. I'm hoping new audio and a new set of exam questions from Black Spectacles is the missing link I need to pass this exam.

LuCi33 - I failed the same sections as you on my last attempt. I can't seem to pass that Programming section!! If anybody has any good suggestions on what to look at, I'd also really appreciate it. I listed all the sources I used on the first post of this thread.
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby LuCi33 » Wed Jan 24, 2018 1:59 pm

greek22 wrote:The audio from ARE prep at this point has become so repetitive for me (since I listened to it so many times) so I needed to try something new and hear the lectures from a different perspective/a new person. I'm hoping new audio and a new set of exam questions from Black Spectacles is the missing link I need to pass this exam.

Thanks greek22, I do hope you pass as well. Do you mind reposting an update after your next exam to let me know if Black Spectacles (BS) was the key and possibly better than ARE prep? I noticed that a couple of the questions that they run through on their podcasts (I watched them on YouTube) did show up on the exam.

Thank you, DANIIFACE for your insight! I enjoyed their YouTube podcasts and wanted to know if the membership was worth it! Seeing as I can't retake until May, I probably won't start studying again until April and won't get a membership until then.

dbayrami wrote:those are the two I have left, scheduled back to back at the beginning of March, so I know the pressure of having to pass.

don't let a fail bring you down, I know it stings. But they don't count, not really. In the end, when you pass, the fails don't matter.

dbayrami, Good luck to you too! These tests really aren't a testament to how well we will do in the real world. That's the most frustrating aspect of it all. I'll look into the Amber book per your suggestion.

I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement. One way or another, we'll all get there!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:57 am

LuCi33 wrote: Thanks greek22, I do hope you pass as well. Do you mind reposting an update after your next exam to let me know if Black Spectacles (BS) was the key and possibly better than ARE prep? I noticed that a couple of the questions that they run through on their podcasts (I watched them on YouTube) did show up on the exam.

Thank you! I noticed the same about their podcasts which is one of the reasons I made the purchase. Of course, will do!!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby changes627 » Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:39 pm

cubeist wrote:Greek 22,
Focus on the Preservation concepts
Orientation of Building on Site Plan with respect to Weather
Organizational Aspects of Space planning, Socioeconomic values that lead to Organization of Spaces
Organization of the Company - LLC Sole etc, Architecture Business basically, Liabilities, Risks, and insurance
Scheduling - for Project Manager
Scheduling Tool - Gnatt vs CPM
Building Efficiencies
Slope Percentages
Circulation, these are some of the few I focused on this time. Do you listen to Black Spectacles as well? I think he is very concept oriented. Do listen to all his videos.
Of course, you should know a bit of Contract from CDS. Hope this list helps. There is more that I can add to the list but these are the few concepts I brushed up good for my 4th test

Cubeist - thank you for this list!!
when you say building efficiencies - do you mean specifics like " typical hospital efficiency is 55% " or just understand the general concept of efficiency "warehouse efficiency is greater than hospital"?

and massive thank you Greek22 for starting this post - as you can see, you are clearly NOT alone in this struggle & just reading through these post makes me appreciate the architecture community and how we are all willing to encourage and build each other up. I've failed CDS many times (and don't even know what it is like to PASS an ARE exam, because i have yet to pass one... because of a lot of difficult life situations in the last few years have caused me to not be able to keep taking them)
All of that said - I'll be taking PPP for the 1st time in a week, it feels a bit overwhelming that I'm taking it for the 1st time so late in the game not giving myself much room for "failure" -- but just trying to keep thing in perspective, this test doesn't define my life, my ability and my passion for design -- I will remain compassionate towards humanity and passionate for designing the space around them... even through failure of an exam...and who knows, maybe I'll pass! just have to keep our chin up and keep running forward strong.
hoping you peace in the studying process :)
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:35 am

changes627 wrote:All of that said - I'll be taking PPP for the 1st time in a week, it feels a bit overwhelming that I'm taking it for the 1st time so late in the game not giving myself much room for "failure" -- but just trying to keep thing in perspective, this test doesn't define my life, my ability and my passion for design -- I will remain compassionate towards humanity and passionate for designing the space around them... even through failure of an exam...and who knows, maybe I'll pass! just have to keep our chin up and keep running forward strong.
hoping you peace in the studying process :)

Best of luck on your exam! Keep us posted on how you do! I don't think its ever too late to try and I like your perspective on things. You're right - this test shouldn't define our lives or does it dictate our love for architecture and design. It's just another obstacle we have to go through. Stay positive and keep pushing!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby changes627 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 9:03 am

greek22 wrote:
changes627 wrote:All of that said - I'll be taking PPP for the 1st time in a week, it feels a bit overwhelming that I'm taking it for the 1st time so late in the game not giving myself much room for "failure" -- but just trying to keep thing in perspective, this test doesn't define my life, my ability and my passion for design -- I will remain compassionate towards humanity and passionate for designing the space around them... even through failure of an exam...and who knows, maybe I'll pass! just have to keep our chin up and keep running forward strong.
hoping you peace in the studying process :)

Best of luck on your exam! Keep us posted on how you do! I don't think its ever too late to try and I like your perspective on things. You're right - this test shouldn't define our lives or does it dictate our love for architecture and design. It's just another obstacle we have to go through. Stay positive and keep pushing!

hi greek!

I donno if you re-took your PPP exam yet/ DONE with it?! but I was scheduled to take my exam Feb 9th... but Prometric testing center was closed due to an impending snow storm... and rescheduled me TWO MONTHS later.... which i wasn't very happy about... but oh well. SO I'm going to be taking PPP for the 1st time this coming Friday!

I've read through all the same study material that you have gone though (including subscribing to black specs for a month) - MINUS buying the whole enchilada

in the last week i've been reading through AHPP student version focusing mostly on the relevant chapters to PPP -- and reading through it now, I recall some questions from CDS that are straight from the AHPP... which isn't surprising. Again, i haven't taken PPP yet so i don't know HOW helpful it really is... but I think its been a good review of things/refreshing my memory about CDS without re-reading all of kaplan/ballast materials and diving into more details on Project management/scheduling and such. so if you're still studying for it, maybe give AHPP student version a serious look (as i didn't see it in your study material list!)... and its only $85 (tax included) on amazon, haha

and I say all of this because I think we probably are similar test takers -- I need to read EVERYTHING i possibly can, i can't read thought things and memories facts and recall info during the exam. I need to throughly understand the concepts inside out. I actually read your post about how you passed SPD.. and i read ALL of site planning and design by Russ... and i passed SPD on my first try! plus vignettes never are an issue for me... i finished both SPD vignette in an hour.

anyways, good luck!!

(& I swear i'm not paid by AHPP for this advertisement of their material.... hah.)
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby raustin1011 » Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:59 pm

This test is no joke, just took it for the first time and my thoughts: I way over studied, everything, all the recommended resources, and like 25% applied to the exam. this exam is all over the place, if i fail, i will not study i will just go in for round two - it seemed like a complete roll of the dice
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:14 pm

changes627 wrote: hi greek!

I donno if you re-took your PPP exam yet/ DONE with it?! but I was scheduled to take my exam Feb 9th... but Prometric testing center was closed due to an impending snow storm... and rescheduled me TWO MONTHS later.... which i wasn't very happy about... but oh well. SO I'm going to be taking PPP for the 1st time this coming Friday!

Hi changes! How did it go?? Hope it went well for you! Unfortunately, I did not pass PPP yet. I have one more attempt before I am obliged to transition. It's been a struggle and a battle with PPP but I'll be giving it one more shot. I have added a few more sources to my last attempts and AHPP was one of them. Its definitely a good source for this exam but it hasn't helped me get my PASS. This test is so complex and I haven't found the recipe for it yet. Please keep me posted on how you do!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby meeting minutes » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:04 pm

I guess I am not the only one...

I am struggling with the PPP (and CDS as well) (I already passed the other 5 in Sep 2017, meaning if I can't pass these 2, then I will have to take 5 brand new exams)

I even took a week off work and studied, and ended up scoring an even lower score. (this time, I got a set of exam with a full load of history questions... not even related to anything I studied below) I have 1 more try now in early June, and 2 tries for CDS.

I have these:
Jenny's Notes
Caroline's Notes
Ballast Study Guide
Kaplan Study Guide and note cards
NCARB ARE Study Guide with MC/Vignette
Amber PPP/CDS videos
The audio recording lecture about AIA contracts.

Ordered Gang Chen
Need to look at AHPP
after reading these, maybe it's wise to get blackspectacles too...
meeting minutes
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby changes627 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:37 pm

greek22 wrote:Hi changes! How did it go?? Hope it went well for you! Unfortunately, I did not pass PPP yet. I have one more attempt before I am obliged to transition. It's been a struggle and a battle with PPP but I'll be giving it one more shot. I have added a few more sources to my last attempts and AHPP was one of them. Its definitely a good source for this exam but it hasn't helped me get my PASS. This test is so complex and I haven't found the recipe for it yet. Please keep me posted on how you do!

Greek........ got my score two days ago.... AND I PASSED ::tears of joy::

I studied all the same things you studied (minus the whole enchilada) and to be honest I don't know if AHPP DIRECTLY really helped either... But I studied everything I could get my hands on, typed up notes as I read kaplan, ballast, and AHPP... read stuff on seismic... secretary of interiors... scoured this site to find EVERYTHING ppl suggested and just read as much as I humanly could given the time I had. I know I had to mentally shake the defeat of failing CDS twice (and during my 1st post on this thread I have yet to pass an ARE) and figure out HOW I learn, and most importantly how much I need to study (which for me is always trying to OVER study) to stay calm and clear minded during the exam. I'm a visual learner, so i literally illustrated whatever i can, or even just write out (pencil/pen and paper) notes on key things that I felt like I didn't understand. I think seeing things in a graphic way helped me learn (and kinda enjoy) the process.

with all of that said... I just want to encourage you. I won't try to pretend its not a gut sinking, crushing feeling with each fail and added the time pressure of the exam expiring... but I just want to affirm you that you aren't defined by this. Its really about your ability to "take exams".There is nothing wrong with you. and worst case scenario... you don't pass (obvi hope that's NOT the case)... just keep chipping away at these exams (even if it is transition and taking more exams) and you WILL make it out on the other side.

You still have air in your lungs... life isn't over yet!
also my father he would always remind me during many sad defeated phone calls to him -- "let the process make you a better person and better architect. because even in 'failing' the exam, it won't be a waste of time". so I pass on this thread of wisdom to you :)

chin up, Greek. and charge forward!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:24 am

changes627 wrote: with all of that said... I just want to encourage you. I won't try to pretend its not a gut sinking, crushing feeling with each fail and added the time pressure of the exam expiring... but I just want to affirm you that you aren't defined by this. Its really about your ability to "take exams".There is nothing wrong with you. and worst case scenario... you don't pass (obvi hope that's NOT the case)... just keep chipping away at these exams (even if it is transition and taking more exams) and you WILL make it out on the other side.

You still have air in your lungs... life isn't over yet!
also my father he would always remind me during many sad defeated phone calls to him -- "let the process make you a better person and better architect. because even in 'failing' the exam, it won't be a waste of time". so I pass on this thread of wisdom to you :)

chin up, Greek. and charge forward!

Congratulations changes627!! Thank you for your advice and encouragement! And thank you for sharing your father's advice! I hope to pass this exam soon so I can move forward in the process!
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Re: Struggling with PPP ***UPDATE PASSED!

Postby greek22 » Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:41 am

I finally passed!!! I tested last week and woke up this morning to a pass! Soo very happy that all my hard work has paid off! This was very challenging for me and I am very excited to finally be able to put it behind me. I will be transitioning to 5.0 to complete the last 2 exams. I’m not sure if anybody is still testing for PPP but since there is 8 days left – I would still like to share what I studied.

-Kaplan CDS, PPP, SPD (re-read all chapters and took both exams)
-Ballast CDS, PPP, SPD (re-read all pertaining chapters and took both exams)
-ARE Black Spectacles videos for CDS, PPP, SPD and PA 5.0 and all exams for these sections
-Schiff Hardin Contract Lectures (most beneficial in my opinion)
-Designer Hacks Exams CDS, PPP, SPD
-Carolines Notes
-Jenny’s Notes
-Nalsa Flashcards for all 7, 4.0 exams
-Misc videos/articles online on topics I didn’t understand.

**I also took the Funkaar course that was a 2 part series but only attended 1 out of 2 classes and requested my money back for the second part. This was a huge waste of money and time. I found the whole course unprofessional and very scattered. The professor who taught it was extremely rude and did not know a lot of answers to questions people asked her. I will not be supporting or taking another course from them again**

I think what helped me the most for this exam was studying for all 3 exams simultaneously. Even though I passed CDS and SPD – there was a lot of content overlap and it was easy to forget important aspects from these two exams. So I studied for everything collectively and it really helped! Everyone says to understand concepts over details and I didn’t understand that concept until now. Everything finally clicked and I didn’t get so hung up on the fine details. There is so much content on this exam that it’s very easy to get lost in it.

Good luck to everyone who is finishing up 4.0!!! There is hope!! Keep going!!!
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Re: Struggling with PPP ***UPDATE PASSED!

Postby LuCi33 » Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:51 am

greek22 wrote:I finally passed!!! I tested last week and woke up this morning to a pass! Soo very happy that all my hard work has paid off! This was very challenging for me and I am very excited to finally be able to put it behind me. I will be transitioning to 5.0 to complete the last 2 exams. I’m not sure if anybody is still testing for PPP but since there is 8 days left – I would still like to share what I studied.

-Kaplan CDS, PPP, SPD (re-read all chapters and took both exams)
-Ballast CDS, PPP, SPD (re-read all pertaining chapters and took both exams)
-ARE Black Spectacles videos for CDS, PPP, SPD and PA 5.0 and all exams for these sections
-Schiff Hardin Contract Lectures (most beneficial in my opinion)
-Designer Hacks Exams CDS, PPP, SPD
-Carolines Notes
-Jenny’s Notes
-Nalsa Flashcards for all 7, 4.0 exams
-Misc videos/articles online on topics I didn’t understand.

**I also took the Funkaar course that was a 2 part series but only attended 1 out of 2 classes and requested my money back for the second part. This was a huge waste of money and time. I found the whole course unprofessional and very scattered. The professor who taught it was extremely rude and did not know a lot of answers to questions people asked her. I will not be supporting or taking another course from them again**

I think what helped me the most for this exam was studying for all 3 exams simultaneously. Even though I passed CDS and SPD – there was a lot of content overlap and it was easy to forget important aspects from these two exams. So I studied for everything collectively and it really helped! Everyone says to understand concepts over details and I didn’t understand that concept until now. Everything finally clicked and I didn’t get so hung up on the fine details. There is so much content on this exam that it’s very easy to get lost in it.

Good luck to everyone who is finishing up 4.0!!! There is hope!! Keep going!!!

Congratulations, Greek!!! I also passed last week after my 4th attempt! I transitioned over to 5.0. I didn't study as extensively as you did but used almost the same study materials.

-Kaplan CDS, PPP, SPD (practice quizzes)
-Ballast CDS, PPP, SPD (practice quizzes)
-ARE Black Spectacles videos for CDS, PPP, SPD and practice quizzes
-Designer Hacks Exams PPP
-Jenny’s Notes
-Archiflash Flash cards for ALL sections (CDS, PPP, SPD, BDCS, and SS)

Good luck to those trying to fit in the last of 4.0!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:23 pm

Thanks LuCi!!! Congratulations to you as well!! Time to celebrate!!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby thd7t » Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:05 pm

Greek22! Congratulations! You have been incredibly diligent and persistent on this exam and got the payoff that you deserved! Well done!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 6:27 pm

thd7t wrote:Greek22! Congratulations! You have been incredibly diligent and persistent on this exam and got the payoff that you deserved! Well done!

Thanks so much thd7t!!! Appreciate it! :D
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby meeting minutes » Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:34 pm

tears of joy for me too! Tested June 22, just got the result now.
meeting minutes
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Thu Jun 28, 2018 4:52 pm

meeting minutes wrote:tears of joy for me too! Tested June 22, just got the result now.

Excellent!! Congrats buddy! :D
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby jdunks » Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:29 pm

greek that is great news! Very, very happy for you!
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Re: Struggling with PPP

Postby greek22 » Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:52 am

jdunks wrote:greek that is great news! Very, very happy for you!

Thanks jdunks!!! Appreciate it! :D
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