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Study Tips

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:07 pm
by toshea13
Hi all! I am going to be taking my first attempt at PDD soon (i haven't scheduled the exam yet). I have recently failed PA and PPD and wanted to try a new approach to studying. I have currently been reading ballast on the way to work, building construction illustrated on the way home from work, and then black spectacles when I get home. I have put trace paper on my walls and have decided to write on them instead of in a notebook lol. I was wondering if there were any other things you could suggest to help me prepare for this exam?

Re: Study Tips

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:09 pm
by Anob
There recommendations I’ve gotten from multiple engineers and architects is to take as many practice exams you can take. And I suggest purchasing a small expensive moleskin note around to ask yourself questions that you think the exam writers would mostly want you to know. I usually do this on my commute.