2435takeare wrote:Choices below what is the best strategy option?
It depends on what you've taken and your rolling clock.
Option 1: take 3+2 ARE 4.0 & 5.0 Method
Take: Construction Document and Services, Programming Planning & Practice, Site Planning & Design in version 4.0, then after June 30, 2018 take Project Planning & Design, Project Development & Documentation.
Option 2: take 2+3 ARE 4.0 & 5.0 Method
Take Construction Document and Services, Programming Planning & Practice in version 4.0, then after June 30, 2018 take the Programming Analysis, Project Planning & Design, Project Development & Documentation.
melliemoe wrote:Why is my life so complicated hahaha
I have only 3 exams left in 4.0 - Structural Systems, Building Systems and Site Planning.
I have been having some health issues since 2014 and also started my family so have not been able to be as focused on getting these exams out of the way.
My rolling clock takes effect June 3, 2018 and I will lose CPD and PPP and then schematic design in December 2018.
Why not just take the 5.0 Project planning and design exam and be done? It seems that exam gives credits in all the remaining 4.0 exams for me. So complicated. Should I just call NCARB? Anyone know if the transition works that way?
BnyBen wrote:FYI, my 4.0 BDCS exam (i.e. my rolling clock) was going to expire on 11/10/2019 but after I transitioned my new rolling clock expires on 6/6/2021.
I plan to finish before my 4.0 clock expires anyway but this seems to contradict what this thread is saying.
Leave it to NCARB to make this as confusing as possible. Remember that many if not all states have their own requirement to finish within 5 years either way.
cbdesign wrote:I have only taken CDS and failed. I'd love to take the CDS, PPP, and SPD version 4.0 before June 3rd and then the PPD and PDD version 5.0. Is this unrealistic? If so, I'll start with version 5.0. Any thoughts?
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